▼Ncavapa_gui | Basic namespace of the CAVAPA calculation GUI |
CActivityGraph | Main class for Cavapa graphic curve display widget |
CAnalysisController | Base class of the CAVAPA calculations |
CCalibrationPoints | CalibrationPoints stores a collection of calibration points that can be drawn on a QPainter |
CCamera | The class for a camera source |
CCaptureInterface | Interface for the capture devices |
CController | Handles the messages between UserInterface and AnalysisController |
CCopyableListWidget | A custom list widget class that allows items to be copied to clipboard |
CExportDialog | Class for export dialog of graphwidget |
CExportOptions | The structure holds CSV export options |
CFrameCapture | The structure is used for storing a single source frame |
CFrameStats | Structure for holding frame statistics on activity |
CGeneralSettings | Represents the general settings of the application |
CGraphRegion | Struct for one region of the graph |
CGraphSettings | Graph settings type for font/colors/line widths |
CGraphSettingsDialog | Class for settings dialog of graphwidget |
CGraphWidget | The widget holds the ActivityGraph and all its controls |
CGridEngine | Draws a grid with OpenGL |
CHTTPCapture | The Capture device for HTTP images |
CKeyValueCollection | Represents a collection of key-value pairs |
CMainWindow | The main window for the CAVAPA-GUI application |
CMarker | The structure holds the properties of a single marker on the graph |
CMarkerDialog | Class for marker creation dialog of the graphwidget |
CMetadata | Represents the metadata associated with a measurement |
CMetaWidget | Represents the widget containing all metadata related to a measurement |
COpenCVCapture | The OpenCV capturing class |
COpenStreamDialog | Represents a dialog for opening a stream |
CRecorder | The buffered recorder class creates the video file from the images |
CRecorderStats | Statistics structure used for Recorder |
CResults | The class holds the calculation results for each frame |
CSceneWidget | A widget that holds the output and media controls of a video source |
CSettings | Provides methods for loading and saving the application settings |
CSettingsDialog | Represents the dialog for the general settings of the application |
CSource | The camera and video file source base class |
CSourceInfo | Holds the information related to a source including id number, type, settings, a list of the recorded videos and a list of the calibration points |
CSourceScene | SourceScene draws a video stream and configures camera parameters |
CSourceSettings | Represents the settings for a video source |
CSourceStats | The structure to hold statistics about the source performance |
CUserInterface | Defines the methods and signals that a user interface needs to have |
CVertexData | Represents the information of a single vertex |
CVideoEngine | A class for drawing the video frame with OpenGL |
CVideoFile | The class for the video file source |
CVideoFileSet | The extension to the VideoFile class for handling multiple files |