Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
▼ cavapa | |
cavapa.h | |
▼ gui | |
activitygraph.h | |
calibrationpoints.h | |
copyablelistwidget.h | |
exportdialog.h | |
graphsettingsdialog.h | |
graphwidget.h | |
gridengine.h | |
mainwindow.h | |
markerdialog.h | |
metawidget.h | |
openstreamdialog.h | |
scenewidget.h | |
settingsdialog.h | |
sourcescene.h | |
videoengine.h | |
▼ source | |
camera.h | |
captureinterface.h | |
httpcapture.h | |
opencvcapture.h | |
recorder.h | |
source.h | |
videofile.h | |
videofileset.h | |
analysiscontroller.h | |
common.h | |
controller.h | |
generalsettings.h | |
keyvaluecollection.h | |
metadata.h | |
results.h | |
settings.h | |
sourcesettings.h | |
userinterface.h | |