CAVAPA-GUI  30.5.2014
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cavapa_gui Namespace Reference

Basic namespace of the CAVAPA calculation GUI. More...


class  ActivityGraph
 Main class for Cavapa graphic curve display widget. More...
class  AnalysisController
 Base class of the CAVAPA calculations. More...
class  CalibrationPoints
 CalibrationPoints stores a collection of calibration points that can be drawn on a QPainter. More...
class  Camera
 The class for a camera source. More...
class  CaptureInterface
 Interface for the capture devices. More...
class  Controller
 The Controller class handles the messages between UserInterface and AnalysisController. More...
class  CopyableListWidget
 A custom list widget class that allows items to be copied to clipboard. More...
class  ExportDialog
 Class for export dialog of graphwidget. More...
struct  ExportOptions
 The structure holds CSV export options. More...
struct  FrameCapture
 The structure is used for storing a single source frame. More...
struct  FrameStats
 Structure for holding frame statistics on activity. More...
class  GeneralSettings
 Represents the general settings of the application. More...
struct  GraphRegion
 Struct for one region of the graph. More...
struct  GraphSettings
 Graph settings type for font/colors/line widths. More...
class  GraphSettingsDialog
 Class for settings dialog of graphwidget. More...
class  GraphWidget
 The widget holds the ActivityGraph and all its controls. More...
class  GridEngine
 Draws a grid with OpenGL. More...
class  HTTPCapture
 The Capture device for HTTP images. More...
class  KeyValueCollection
 Represents a collection of key-value pairs. More...
class  MainWindow
 The main window for the CAVAPA-GUI application. More...
struct  Marker
 The structure holds the properties of a single marker on the graph. More...
class  MarkerDialog
 Class for marker creation dialog of the graphwidget. More...
class  Metadata
 Represents the metadata associated with a measurement. More...
class  MetaWidget
 Represents the widget containing all metadata related to a measurement. More...
class  OpenCVCapture
 The OpenCV capturing class. More...
class  OpenStreamDialog
 Represents a dialog for opening a stream. More...
class  Recorder
 The buffered recorder class creates the video file from the images. More...
struct  RecorderStats
 Statistics structure used for Recorder. More...
class  Results
 The class holds the calculation results for each frame. More...
class  SceneWidget
 A widget that holds the output and media controls of a video source. More...
class  Settings
 Provides methods for loading and saving the application settings. More...
class  SettingsDialog
 Represents the dialog for the general settings of the application. More...
class  Source
 The camera and video file source base class. More...
struct  SourceInfo
 Holds the information related to a source including id number, type, settings, a list of the recorded videos and a list of the calibration points. More...
class  SourceScene
 SourceScene draws a video stream and configures camera parameters. More...
class  SourceSettings
 Represents the settings for a video source. More...
struct  SourceStats
 The structure to hold statistics about the source performance. More...
class  UserInterface
 The UserInterface class defines the methods and signals that a user interface needs to have. More...
struct  VertexData
 Represents the information of a single vertex. More...
class  VideoEngine
 A class for drawing the video frame with OpenGL. More...
class  VideoFile
 The class for the video file source. More...
class  VideoFileSet
 The extension to the VideoFile class for handling multiple files. More...


using FrameTime = std::uint64_t
 Used to store milliseconds interval in frame times.
using GraphMarker = Marker
 Used to define the marker for graph.
using SourceID = unsigned int
 Used to indicate unique source ID-numbers.


enum  SourceType {
 Available source types are the following ones: CAMERA = hardware or network camera, NOTHING = not a working source, STREAM = network stream, VIDEO = video file and VIDEOSET = set of multiple files.
enum  ErrorLevel : int { INFO = 1, WARNING = 2, CRITICAL = 3 }
 Error level indicator. More...
enum  EXPORT_FLAGS : int { NOTHING = 0x00, APPEND = 0x01, USE_COMMA = 0x02 }
 The flags that are used for exporting the results. More...
enum  FrameFlags : std::uint32_t {
 Parameter type to hold frame specific flags. More...
enum  State {
  Start, NewMeasurement, CalculationInProgress, CalculationCancelled,
  CalculationStopped, CalculationCompleted, CalculationPaused, MeasurementOpened
 The State enum lists the possible application main states when performing a measurement.


const int UNKNOWN_DEVICE = -2
 Used to indicate unknown hardware device.
 Used to indicate unknown sources.

Detailed Description

Basic namespace of the CAVAPA calculation GUI.

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum cavapa_gui::ErrorLevel : int

Error level indicator.

Values are comparable, higher integer values indicate more critical error. INFO = just a regular information without affecting execution, WARNING = user should take note of this error but execution continues, ERROR = critical error and the execution is interrupted.

enum cavapa_gui::EXPORT_FLAGS : int

The flags that are used for exporting the results.

You can use bitwise OR operations (|) to combine several flags.
enum cavapa_gui::FrameFlags : std::uint32_t

Parameter type to hold frame specific flags.

These flags can indicate the starting and stopping -points of calculation, warnings during calculation and frames that contain no new information from the previous one. The duplicate method can be used to "freeze" video file recording when no movement is detected.